Qobuz + TIDAL. Am I nuts?

To close this topic out from my end:

TL:DR: I paid for a Qobuz Sublime+ subscription.

Starting with my post in this thread, Masters available on Tidal iOS, I detail my struggles to get the latest Tidal iOS app update to stream MQA to my Meridian Explorer 2. So I searched for other portable DACs that could decode/render a fully unfolded and authenticated MQA stream with a minimum of hassle. In my search I found a plethora of DACs that could send FLAC/PCM Hi-Res Audio to a good pair of headphones from an iPhone or iPad with a minimum of hassle, but very few that could do the same with MQA. The Oppo HA-2 that I already own is in the former category.

The Explorer 2 works great with Roon or the Tidal desktop app at home, but I travel a lot, most of it overseas. I already fight with slow WiFi in hotels and throttled data on my cellular plan over there. I don’t need more hassles with the hardware/software interface between my iPhone/iPad and my DAC.

Plus, Qobuz has more tracks that I am likely to listen to in Hi-Res Audio than Tidal does. I found that out when I transferred my Tidal favorite albums to Qobuz through Soundiiz.

So the marginally more pleasant audio that MQA provides over Hi-Res FLAC isn’t worth the effort to bring that sound to me away from the house, either locally or far away.

I’ve already saved $50 on Hi-Res Audio purchases using my Sublime+ subscription versus any other Qobuz tier, or a service like HDTracks. So the annualized cost of Sublime+ is effectively the same as Studio at this point, because I was going to buy the albums anyway.

Thank you, everyone, for your input, especially @Chrislayeruk in the linked topic above. It helped me make my decision.