Reviving PLAYLIST topic in 2022 - Playlist toolbox needed!

Is there any further update on playlist management ? This thread is a year old at best now and playlists are certainly a huge weak spot with Roon.

Yes you name it !

It seems that the Roon team almost has been consistently refusing to listen to these repeated requests. Two years have passed and the playlist weakness just appears weaker as many other strong points are being reinforced.

Now, is it a person’s or team vision issue or a business model thing ? Could Roon think that if you have superbly working playlists, you are possibly happy with the music you have and less inclined to exploring recent ones, possibly leading to less active subscriptions of streaming ?

Arguably, at least for Apple Music - iTunes, there has never been an obvious antagonism between having playlists that are easy to manipulate and use, and streaming new music !

So, I like to have my Playlists and I really would like the building, manipulation and usage of these to be efficient. Sometimes I am in the mood for exploring new music via streaming. Sometimes I am fully happy with my oldies but goldies best grouped in my playlists.
No opposition between those usages of Roon !

Rather, a good PLAYLIST TOOLBOX, beyond being useful to the listener, because it would also facilitate the construction of consistent playlists, could in turn greatly assist innovative AI tools to provide more accurately targeted individual recommendations!

I am also a Qobuz subscriber. I stream AND I purchase music, stored on a local drive.

Hope this helps,

PS: One of the ideas is that I DO NOT want to be enslaved to a fast Internet connection to be able to listen to my stereo. This goes beyond personal taste privacy, cookies etc… : When I purchase music, I want to be able to listen to it without having to deal with access permissions or issues. The virtualization of my music should not degrade ease ot access I had with say, CDs !