ROCK? For very large library (350K tracks)

The „it crashes if RAM runs out“ applies only to Roon OS. Anyway, on a Mac you can easily check RAM usage in Activity Monitor

I see, good to know.
In my experience, with 16GB I get a lot of swapping (around 4GB), and the activity monitor hovers around the middle.
This would be my main computer and I also run the occasional VM, which makes things even worse.
So I would think 24GB would be the minimum to get now. And 32-48 for future-proofing?

Edit: As you can see in the screenshot below, memory use (filtered for Roon) is actually quite a bit higher than I previously stated in this post:

Thanks. Could you please point me to a relevant discussion or knowledge base article?

Does that suggest a library of about 150K tracks or just a complicated number of tags and playlists?

First, if you’re building a dedicated Roon server, this is typically running without the GUI, so the memory footprint of the server is broadly equivalent to the database size. For instance, a library of up to 100,000 tracks running on Linux requires 4 GB (8 GB for macOS / Windows.)

For the largest libraries, 16 GB would be more than adequate. Edge cases would require more, plus a processor with strong single-core performance. 32 GB is probably enough in this scenario.

What size is your library? 3 TB storage is ~75,000 tracks, so within the Nucleus One specification. If you’ve maxed on Qobuz, you’re still under 200k tracks.

For libraries over 100k tracks:

You will need sufficient RAM for Roon as well as any other tasks the machine may perform. We recommend 8GB as a minimum for Roon in addition to the base RAM for the machine. For Linux, Windows, and macOS this will typically result in a system with 16GB RAM or more.


Of course, memory for VMs has to be added on top.

In your activity monitor screenshot, Roon uses 12 GB. Assuming that this if your typical average, you will want those 12 GB as RAM for Roon plus what the OS and the other apps on your machine need (you’d want to add at least the additional 6GB that is currently swapping out) plus what you need for VMs.

I’m confused - I thought the initial thought was to get a ROCK so you could run headless & unattended, separation of concerns, all that? (That is what this thread was originally about). Now you’re going to get a very high spec Mac and run your core on your primary desktop? Absolutely your business, not mine, but with that size library I’d personally want this running on a separate machine… and then get a desktop that suits my needs. You could probably get two M4 mini base models for less than the same price and be very happy - unless you’re also doing video production etc. that we haven’t discussed (and which isn’t relevant to this forum).

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Since the current discussion has morphed from the original subject, and wasn’t started by the OP, I’ll move the content to a new thread.

However, I agree that it is unclear if the new server is for Roon only or if it is a home lab running VMs, too.


Thank you all for kindly providing helpful info.

I’ll summarise here, and thank you to the mod for having moved all this to a new thread.

As I mentioned in my first post:

According to valued and esteemed member, Geoff_Coupe, Community: Volunteer Moderator:

Local track number is 182,621 files.
I have hidden the mp3 files in my Roon Library (Show Hidden Tracks: No). I don’t know whether these hidden mp3 tracks count towards RAM use or not.

My profile states ‘13d read time’. I’ve been a forum member since Jan 2017. However, all this was not clear to me before. Perhaps doing some reading in the morning, as opposed to while listening to music in the evening helped :slight_smile:

My current thinking is to get a Mac Mini M4 16GB 512GB for Roon only.

The great thing is with return policy, you can try this out and see how it goes. I know that Roon gives advice on machines for ROCK, but Mac is different. I have 70k tracks (local & streaming) and I just tried running my core briefly off of my Mac Mini with the exact same specs and it’s blazing fast compared to anything I’ve ever used before. That said, this machine is destined for HQplayer and daily driver duty (logging out daily driver whenever I’m done so HQplayer user can have all the resources), and I don’t need crazy speed so for now it’s back to my core on the GMKtec N97.

One note - I don’t think you need the 512gb ssd. Unless you’re storing music locally (and with a library that size, you couldn’t fit it on that anyways). I assume you’re using a NAS or SSD attached storage for your library?

I love this place too :slight_smile: hope we were helpful.

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512GB apparently helps with the SSD’s longevity due to writes. There’s a lot of great info [here]. (Why SSDs slow down, and how to avoid it – The Eclectic Light Company)

But not really relevant for a device setup solely to run Roon server. Once installed, it will occupy less than 64 GB, including macOS, with minimal writes (the database is in-memory, and only writes out changes.

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Correct, thank you.

Thanks to most helpful advice in this thread, I bit the bullet and purchased a minimum-spec Mac Mini M4, and it works fine for my 325,000 tracks (Qobuz and 3.5TB local files on external SSD drive).

Activity Monitor figures:

Roon Appliance: 14.35GB
Memory Used: 13.11GB (Activity Monitor works in mysterious ways)
Swap Used: 0
Memory Pressure: green (hovering just before turning to yellow)

CPU: 95% idle

Thank you all again and happy listening!

Edit: Internal Storage: 42GB used (of 245GB)

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Glad to hear this is working for you. That is - to be fair - a lot of memory. I hope it doesn’t creep up much, but the Mac is so damn efficient at memory management that I hope even if you grow your library that you’ll be fine. Really appreciate you reporting in - and super to hear what $500 of computer can do these days.

Hope that running a headless Mac as a server is easy / not an issue? I found it to be a little bit of a pain, personally, vs. other set-ups I have during the 3 days I tried it. But the Mac was so blazingly fast (both in absolute terms and per $) that I almost let it be and stuck with it. How’s your experience been?

Screen Sharing has been very easy to set up on my Macbook System Preferences, and it’s as if you’re in front of the headless Mini, except for some confusion over which computer you’re actually interacting with (Macbook or Mini), but that’s minor and a matter of practice. I hope not to have the opportunity for a lot of practice…
Only once during 3 days of use, did I lose contact of the Mini, when I replied Yes to the Roon message to install an available update (blank screen using a TV as monitor over HDMI and disappeared in Screen Sharing). I don’t know why that was. At any rate, I used the shortcut Control–Command–Power button (Force your Mac to restart, without prompting to save any open and unsaved documents), and all was good.
It’s almost a shame to use this fine computer for Roon only. In fact, I’m trying to stop myself from installing a Plex server for movies, too. I don’t know how much longer my audiophile self will be able to hold the line :slight_smile: Plex would mean that, for dedicated listening sessions, I’d feel the need to remove the AC-powered external drive containing the movies (to reduce RF noise) and quit the Plex Server app (to reduce computing), which would entail both Screen Sharing and fiddling in a cupboard while perched on a chair.