ROCK might ROLL but NUC does suck (NUC10i7FNH)

Excellent! I spend most of my time in that 10/10 zone which is probably why I was able to guess that you might be there, too.

I hope the rest of this process is smooth sailing and I hope you continue to enjoy your newfound ability to press function keys :slight_smile:

I really appreciate the help, even if it came with a large dose of public humiliation. They say the deepest learnings come at a personal cost. Fingers crossed I can pull back some cred by getting the rest done quickly (I give myself a 50-50 chance on that) :wink:


Actually… this is why I can charge > $200 an hour for my consulting services vs. Geek Squad at their sub-$100 rates. :wink:

We’ve all been there. Sometimes it just takes sticking your finger in the outlet enough times to truly understand what’s going on. Glad you figured it out. PCs are a real PITA because of their inconsistently in implementation. Only when you’ve been burned enough times do you stop questioning “did they really implement it that way?” and you just start throwing logic aside and making progress.

Glad you figured it out. Also… I’d throw away that keyboard just out of spite and get one with real “F” keys instead of the dual-purpose keys. You may have to go to your thrift-store to find one though :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad it was an easy “stupid” thing :slight_smile: which BTW happened to me many many times !!!

But at least you make us smile! :slight_smile: Thanks for that story! Hope you enjoy your NUC - you put a lot of time into it :wink: !

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