ROCK on NUC vs. on Nucleus

When Rob says “it’s not accurate”, he probably doesn’t mean people’s preference for what he calls “brighter sound” (if he did, his conclusion “then fine” would just be plain sarcasm). He very probably means the “brighter sound” itself, because he thinks it’s caused by RF noise/noise floor modulation etc.
As a professional musician (25+ years), my ideal has always been a kind of music reproduction that enables me to re-live what I experience on stage or in the recording studio. We all know that RF noise etc. is ALWAYS there (to a certain degree) when people use amplified instruments. The sound I get when I use devices like the Audioquest Jitterbug is NOT closer to the “original”, does NOT sound more like “real” music. That’s why I wouldn’t call this sound more “accurate”, I’d rather call it “sterile” or “lifeless” (but that’s entirely subjective, of course; and the differences are much smaller than such metaphors might make you think)…

I’ve never even talked to any of the designers of my own gear. I don’t mean that in a derogatory way. I let the designers do the designing and I do the listening…

I also have the greatest respect for people who make great products. However, sometimes even extremely successful and internationally-admired DAC designers can’t live up to their own claims, as I pointed out here. :wink: