Hi Stephen,
Could you point me to any information on how the Okto users in Australia managed to get Roon’s crossovers working with the Okto?
Hi Stephen,
Could you point me to any information on how the Okto users in Australia managed to get Roon’s crossovers working with the Okto?
Hi Alec, Stephen,
I’ve managed to get it all working .
So, the key is to route the channels correctly with Procedural EQ so that the left (or right) channel outputs to channels 1, 3, 5 and 7, and that the right (or left) channel outputs to channels 2, 4, 6 and 8. And then, set up the passband filters in the respective channels with Procedural EQ.
It all seems to be working correctly.
Anything to add for your sides?
Yes that’s correct.
It’s important for safety that channels 1 and 2 are connected to woofers and not mids or worse tweeters, so that if by accident stereo is sent tweeters get nothing.
Levels / délays can be adjusted in Roon DSP / Speaker Setup.
More complex filters can be made (mine with Rephase) and imported in convolution engine.
(Sorry, I’ve been calling you Alec, but I guess it’s Rémi?)