Roon Financial Stability / is Roon Labs LLC a “good investment”?

I do too, and after reading the post linked below, I decided to stick with the $120/year subscription. I was not using Roon five years ago, and I’ll be (pleasantly) surprised if I’m still using it five years from now. :slight_smile:

As long as Roon Labs continues to deliver service that I value, I’m delighted to keep renewing my subscription. It feels good to not be financially locked into the platform and to support their work, much like supporting artists whose music I enjoy.

In particular, I draw your attention to this bit:

The lifetime should not be an aspiration for Roon subscribers. It hurts us as a company and is not a viable business model for our future. If the price increase has reduced demand for lifetime subscriptions, that’s a good thing for our business.

It’s unlikely that we’ll offer a lifetime option forever. If you enjoy Roon and believe in what we’re doing, the best way to support it is to subscribe annual. We will do our level best to earn that support for many years to come.

The annual is STILL $119 for a year. That’s $10 a month. If Roon isn’t worth $10 a month to you, then we are doing something wrong and you should go elsewhere. It certainly brings me more joy than $10 every month, and our business vision is to do the same for every one of our subscribers.