Roon is fantastic

Coming up with a new Build/OS/Core, importing my music files from USB SSD to internal SSD, and finding my previous Add To Library selections still there was a pleasant surprise.

Odd - I have the HDMI 0 from my 717BNH NUC to my AVR and that works fine - never any problem with it.

I had another issue that may have contributed to or caused the lost connection problem. At the time that occurred I had not done anything with the internal storage yet. In my excitement over completing the build I miss-stated my previous comment. Still had my USB T5 SSD connected with my music files. When I looked for the internal storage to move my files in it was not showing up. No option to Format the drive. Went back and checked the BIOS for the SATA 1TB drive and it wasn’t there. I had fixated on the M.2, BIOS update, and ROCK install and overlooked the SATA drive not showing up in the BIOS. Opened the case and it looked right. Re-seated the drive but this time I pulled SATA/Power cables from the MB and re-seated those. Booted to BIOS and the SATA drive was there.

After that I was able to format the drive and drag/drop the files in. Enabled HDMI0 without issue. Tested with the HDMI connected to the Denon 8500H and then to the OPPO 205. 2CH music sounded good over HDMI. If there is multi channel music somewhere in Tidal or Qobuz I haven’t found it yet. I expected to see album or track information displayed with HDMI but I can live without it. Played 2 separate zones for hours with no disruptions. All is well.

To reiterate my original comment, Roon is Fantastic!

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