Roon Nucleus verses Apple Mac Mini M1

basically Roon Server chews up about 3.5GB of the 8GB ram on the base line MMM1 and page file was eating up like 1.4GB and it was running like a turd and very unpolished one at that. wasn’t much else running. admittedly thats 270K track library on a remote share. and It was still scanning when I killed it but I think it was also crashing and starting again as my remote was disconnection and Roon Server was beach balling in the menu bar.

So not off to a great start but maybe a smaller library might be less drama so might try without my 13TB external connection on the Roon option and see if that straggles - maybe add a small subset of tracks from external share.

I was using Roon remote on a full screen space and Safari on another and this also seemed to be a performance struggle with a 4K monitor on the MMM1 bringing things all back to the one window did help a lot. But that was while Roon Server was running with scanning. Even the community pages had issues opening up menus etc…I do have about 60+ pinned tabs open on lots of different sites but this improved much in the main window without other spaces running.

So not all fine and dandy but will update more in the coming days.

DSD upsampling from tidal to DSD512 getting 3x processing…better than my windows i7-7700 with only a tidal library in play - no local/external or network shared storage.