Roon on VLANs - Unifi

Never made it to L3. Talked about it ad nauseum, then didn’t pull the trigger. Rationale for doing it was to get the full 2GB I have at home through to endpoints. And the reason I didn’t bother was that I realized that even my home office has some funky cabling that while usually capable of 1gb occasionally gets stuck at 100MB for a week at a time, so the backplane didn’t really matter. And that I was chasing my tail for a stupid reason, and didn’t care enough to repull cable so I couldn’t be bothered with an L3 switch.

This is the massive thread where Aaron Turner explains his project, what he did, and then lots of n00■■ like me ask him for help. Actually he’s even more helpful once you get into it if you go to his github page for the project udp-proxy-2020.