About to finally place an order for the NUC7i5BNH as well as the Akasa Newton S7 fanless case for the purpose of running ROCK. I have a spare Sbooster BOTW P&P Eco 12-13.2v which is rated at 12v/3A (meaning a maximum of 36W).
The setup should look like this:
NUC7i5BNH - 15W
128GB M.2 SSD for the OS - 5W
1TB Samsung Evo 850 for the library - 5W
USB to ethernet adapter - 3W
Total: 28W
According to the Sbooster website, the NUC7i5BNH is supported and can be powered either by the 12v or the 19v Sbooster BOTW.
Do you think the 12v Sbooster will be up to the task? The only heavier task would be upsampling redbook to DSD64 in Roon (so that I can have dual AES on my dCS Network Bridge as rates lower than 88.2 require single AES). All audio files in my library starting from 24/88.2 up to 24/384 as well as DSD would be played bit perfect without upsampling.