Then how come with fiber media converters sound is way better with lower noise?
No idea why
… or if they actually do.
I’d like to see a double blind test on this claim.
… anyway… just got this Zero Zone 19v/5A LPS and it is working great powering my Cirrus7/NUC8i7BEH
will now move the UpTone Audio JS-2 to powering, instead, a Pathos Aurium headphone amp
not at all sure it has something to do with moving from a 12v to a 19v PS: seen for the very first time Roon’s red “clipping light” (headroom management set to 0db, just to check)
but more likely it’s just this album (Souad Massi’s “Oumniya”) that I’m listening to for the very first time (and can’t check its waveform as I’m streaming it)
Have the Toroidal transformer based version of this unit, doing my honours for my NUC running ROCK.
Same here I have the torodial version running my Rock. I pimped up with a Russ Andrews Yello I got cheap and a Canare DC lead.
Seems extremely similar if not the same, but a few €($) cheaper:
I’ve just added a linear psu > Chord Hugo2 via usb and it does make an improvement in the sound quality . To me the sound more full bodied with more airy details.
Maybe you are interested in my power consumption measurements of my Roon ROCK music server:
Intel NUC 7i3 - Roon ROCK - power consumption measurements
Do you know where one could find longer 3-pin xlr to DC cables for the HDPLEX 300W?
I plan to buy the 300W when they come back in stock, but I cannot find longer cables to stretch to all 4 of my components I want to power.
most cable shops should be able to make for you… just spec the connectors and its a 2 wire cable
Already done above but I would have suggested Ghent Audio if you want assurances on quality. But you can also try asking HDPlex themselves for longer cables when you buy the PSU. They (he) was pretty responsive when I had queries when mine arrived.
scroll down about 80% of the way and you’ll see the XLR connectors have 3 pins on this device, like an amp would: HDPLEX 300W Linear Power Supply Multi Rail Output
Thanks I will try Ghent Audio and I also sent an email to HDplex for longer cables yesterday but haven’t heard back just yet.
I have 3 hdplex ps and make my own cables…maybe you meant to direct this to another user?