Roon search sucking... Please provide examples

Here is another useless search for a track called Western Sky thats in my library. Fails in quick look. Fails in main search it’s about 20+ tracks down in tracks section for an exact match of title. Really !!!


Maybe we just all got it wrong: The Roon user has to be trained to learn which “search terms” he does NOT have to enter or which absurd queries he has to enter in order to achieve a meaningful result.

Every time I search for the current track I’m listening to - actually just for fun - I get so much nonsense that has nothing to do with the title. Not even this one is found. (Give it a try with “Blue in Green” by Miles Davis, press ENTER to complete the input)

The request for examples where the search is denied is almost “ridiculous” as it actually always fails. Don’t the Roon people use their software? Which ones can you recommend instead?

I definitely don’t mean to be rude. If the tone of the text is too harsh, I apologize.


Here comes my example for poor/useless search results: Search for the artist “Diamond Kobra” delivers a lot of results, but nothing with this artist.

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Searched Rot Away (artist), it was 44th when opened artist-more page. In Qobuz it was first.

Please just find exact matches first (artist/album/track) and then add other (partial) search results after that.


First hit takes me to the album:

Or if I press ENTER:

EDIT: I am not denying your poor experience with Roon search (or defending Roon search) but clearly this search works for some and not others. As to why is to be determined but the search engine should work the same for everyone should it not? I have this album in my local collection and have Tidal.

Same here for that one

I trying to find Emily Breeze who I’ve read about on PFM.

Absolutely no sign of her as a solo artist from Roon search. Not in the artist expanded list.

Normally I’d leave it there but the guy on PFM mentioned her album was on streaming platforms, so I searched a Tidal.


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Whereas the drop down menu nails it, pressing ENTER or “See All Results” :

The found album is new in my search results. Maybe Roon learnd from me.
But have a look at the artists (Interpreten) results: I would expect “Diamond Kobra” at the top. Some days ago there was no hit for “Diamond Kobra”.

Hope this helps.

Or, in order, provide exact match, matches all, and similar matches.


New user and pondering to take a lifetime subscription…but I am really disappointed by the search function…just trying to find the conderto for flute harp and Orchestra with Galway Helmis Blau and Karajan with the Berliner Philharmoniker…impossible to find inspite of it being a landmark…

Welcome to Roon Community. Regarding your search, if there is somebody to blame would be TIDAL or Qobuz, not Roon. If it’s not in your private music collection, then blame any of the two streaming services for not having it.

Many thanks for responding so fast! Your answer is very clear and sums it up, I am new to streaming and just starting to understand…in fact in my case I only listen with a lyngdorf 3400, so I think the software is not very useful for me, I will stream only and not download anything…
Thank you again!

Has Roon search gone insane … or have I just not noticed it before?

Either way, it seems completely broken. Just then, searching for an album titled “Russian Cello Sonatas” featuring Alexander Chaushian and Yevgeny Sudbin, I typed “Russian Cello Sonatas” into the search field, thinking that it would get me into the ball park. Instead, these albums were offered by Roon:

I can’t even…

Just let’s acknowledge that Roon’s musical taste is not altogether bad…

Well, it’s difficult to make sense of the result. The first suggested hits (up until #12) are all random albums from my own library, none of which contain any Russian cello sonatas, of course. It would appear that they all have at least one track containing any of the words “Russian”, “cello” or “sonata” in its title.

Imagine a search engine working like that when asked for “the greatest hits of 1969”. I dare say the word “google” would not have become a verb…

This needs fixing, searching in Roon has been a great frustration for me, right up there with their refusal to fix the iPad app.


@Steffen_Kluge Do you know if that album exists in your library or streaming?

I’ve communicated multiple times about search not finding tracks on streaming or in my library even though they were there when I dug into the albums. They have a LOT of work to do to make search work better.

Albums in the library are given preference and that’s why the Russian cello sonata albums are on the bottom I suspect.

Yes, it’s on Qobuz. I found it by searching for one of the artists, then his discography.

BTW, I wish prioritising library albums was actually a thing. I very frequently use the library filter button because when looking for albums in my own library they are often buried way down.

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In my experience, this is the only reliable way to search on Roon for non-Pop/Rock albums. Nearly all my discovery interaction is via artist discographies. This, at least, works.


For me (with Qobuz) “Russian Cello Sonatas” gives a plausible top hit:

but (as usual) an unhelpful selection of albums biased towards partial matches in my own library:

(You figure out how Vivaldi Gloria was the second choice. I am not smart enough).

But to be fair, a search for “Russian Cello Sonatas Chaushian” nails it:

though the proposed albums are still poor matches

There is a whole thread dedicated to such nonsense. This thread will probably get moved there. Since such issues have been raised for the best part of two years and there is precious little feedback from Roon, who knows what will happen.

Again (as usual) Qobuz offers a decent, reasonable, selection.