Simplistic POLL: Unidentified Albums vs. Performance

Listen, I am just as curious about this issue as all of you since it was originally revealed. For the uninitiated, this is what we are all referring to:

That said, this poll can never be scientific; I thought that if enough people responded, we might be able to get some sense for whether or not the issue is real. There are certainly many cases of correlation not being causation, such as this one:

Frankly, if you look at the results as of this morning, where we only have 35 respondents, I believe it already reveals a lack of correlation. I suspect the folks in the know on the team at Roon are rightly rolling their eyes a bit at us right now, because @Joachim_Herbert 's original interaction wound up revealing that he had over 200,000 unidentified tracks causing his particular issue. I deliberately didn’t even include numbers that high in this poll. @Joachim_Herbert is an edge case for sure, and definitely a real one that needs to find a way to be addressed. But I suspect the issue is not affecting most of us as much as we would like to believe. There are other more mundane things going on that affect the performance issues that many people may have.

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