Agreed, which is why RF interference can potentially be much more important to discuss (according to the better DAC designers anyway)…
No it doesn’t. You just left the purely digital domain if your clock matters on how you interpret the bits. Jitter is only “present” if the bits are interpreted badly – it’s the definition of jitter!
This is one of the reasons we prefer networked endpoints. Less legacy (USB) ways to screw things up.
This is just talking about things that don’t matter at all. Jitter is the incorrect interpretation of digital data. If the transport doesn’t interpret but just moves data, there is no jitter. Let’s not confuse the matter with items that don’t impact anything. A DAC that cant reclock the signal is to be avoided. @dabassgoesboomboom – the Meridian guys all feel that way as well.
This should be fixed by properly shielding the analog parts of the DAC and post-DAC process. Cutting the RFI is impractical and the world is moving towards more and more RFI everywhere. Those who do not, will fall into obscurity.
Absurd, superstitious behavior - even for a dealer.
Monkey see, monkey do.
Hehe I’m not sure if you’re aware of the challenges involved but this is much easier said than done.
I could say certain things should have been properly “fixed” with Roon a long time ago but I appreciate and understand that some things are very technically challenging and take time.
Obviously things always improve with time.
No A/B comparison for process affinity setting was done when I was there. According to the dealer, it was done to optimize the SQ between a Roon setup with HQPlayer and without HQPlayer. He certainly believes it makes a difference.
I see solutions out there. They are easier done than you think. Even the link you posted about about the Dave demonstrates it doable. Hell, I see so many devices out there without even a simple Faraday cage built in.
Is this the type of device you’re talking about?
For Ethernet isolators, I’ve read that some audiophiles used EN-70e and RLI-1. Another approach is to use fiber based network isolation, e.g. a pair of TP-Link MC210CS (for your Lumin D2, not compatible with S1 / A1 / T1 / D1) with a LPS for the streamer-side unit. (You can search for fiber discussions here.) Optical network is built into Lumin X1.
Another option for the DAC/endpoint side FMC (if the theoretical mechanisms are correct) is the USD15 Uptone 7.5Vdc SMPS , with the DC plug -ve continuous with AC earth inlet. Works well with my TP-Link FMC’s.
Obviously not required or applicable if the DAC is the Lumin X1 when using it’s fiber input