Squeezebox Touch with music files on NAS (SOLVED, thanks!)

This may be answered somewhere, but…

I have a Squeezebox Touch. All of the music files are stored on a NAS that has an instance of Logitech Media Server running on it. The Touch goes to an external DAC connected to my stereo.

I assume I would run an external computer (Mac) as the controller? I’d like to try this out, but I don’t want to subscribe if I can’t make this setup work somehow.

Read the knowledge base of how roon works you can find it from the website.

You need to install Roon on a nas or pc. Then install the Roon remote app on a phone or tablet as you controller or you can use the pc its on.

Add a watched folder to your music let Roon scan it. It will take a while depending on library size. It’s not as Quick as LMS here. To speed process up you can disable audio analysis in settings Library and run it over night in down time. It does need to do this though if you want to use volume levelling and have waveforms present.

In settings/setup enable squeezebox support. Stop LMS, as running both together will cause issues.

Add the Touch as an audio device in Settings Audio.

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Thanks much. You’ve cleared up the things I was unclear on.

Now I just need to find the time to do this. :grin:

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@Simon_Arnold3 thanks for your help.

I set up the Roon server to run on my NAS. I wanted to see if it would work using the spinning discs before I invested in an external SSD to hold the DB.

I have to say, I’m surprised at how well it works. And it’s a great replacement for the Logitech Media Server (which I had to run in a Docker Container.)