Still missing in Roon

Apologies if I’m repeating myself or telling you something you already know, but there may be a slightly faster and more flexible way.

What you’re describing with multiple watched folders will probably work as well, but there could be performance implications with huge numbers of watched folders – it’s not a scenario we test a lot.

Anyway, say you had two folders you want to focus on in Roon – let’s call them:

  • /External HD/Music/Wife Music/
  • /External HD/Music/Party Music/

Here’s what I would do:

  1. Use the track browser filtering functionality to filter for path /Music/Wife Music/
  2. Tag all tracks as Wife Music
  3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for Party Music

Once the tracks are tagged this way, you can easily filter for each in the various browsers – albums, artists, tracks, etc – without even opening Focus.

And going forward, you easily tag albums (or artists, or tracks) as either Wife Music or Party Music (or both) from inside Roon. To me, this seems quicker and easier than re-configuring your storage, but different strokes for different folks :slight_smile: