Swap all Tidal albums to Qobuz

For what it’s worth, it seems you get better matches if you use the new roon export to soundiiz feature instead of the soundiiz platform to platform feature.

AFAIK if you do not use playlists in Tidal or Qobuz itself (like myself, I actually rarely see their interfaces at all) the (much improved) Roon export function is the only way to transfer playlists from within Roon (that incorporate local songs, but also Tidal and/or Qobuz), as Roon has no direct interface with Soundiiz.

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The OP’s question was about moving albums from Tidal to Qobuz. Soundiiz works well for that purpose. It also works well for playlist composed of Tidal music. When you introduce playlist including your own music files that may not exist in Tidal and/or Qobuz, it’s a whole different question.

I used an app a year ago when I switched from soundiiz to Musconvtool but forgot abt it so I’ll just save the playlist and use the same one to shift it

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Same with me. I did this last year. I saw no reason to have both and I definitely didn’t see the point of MQA.

I haven’t seen it mentioned here but there is a service called Tunemymusic.com that allows you to sync between all sorts of streaming services (you get the first 500 songs for free to try out). It will also keep your files synced between any of the streaming services on a daily/weekly/monthly basis if you want - for 2$ a month.

It works fast and well, and is how I moved my Tidal playlists to Qobuz.

I used Tunemymusic for a while but usually had problems getting logged in. So, I switched to Soundiz.