Tidal stops streaming MQA titles?

Did you try to remove the MQA tags and see what Roon / DAC is doing?

Yes, I don’t know where this idea started. Tidal’s weekly offerings yesterday included many MQA albums; I’ve played some including one that is “authenticated” No idea what the future will bring, but I wouldn’t count on Tidal being in a position to switch to hi-res flac as on Qobuz any time soon.

Simply someone playing one of many versions and didn’t see the MQA version is still there.

Book 1 still HiFi only in Tidal app, Book 2 unaffected

The version in my library is clearly MQA version but Tidal stream me a 16/44 red book

And once again, Book 1 affected, Book 2 unaffected

Please find someone playing MQA version of Book 1 and prove me wrong.

Yeh book 1 is not MQA right now - but was it ever ??

100% sure ? We have proof of that ?

Even this MQA playlist officially from TIDAL not every track successfully playback in MQA


Yeh ok that is decent evidence, since we’d expect an MQA playlist to 100% be MQA

Watch this space

Hmm I do not remember…

But Tidal shows no masters version for book 1

And with the playlist, I’ve seen Masters playlist not all tracks in there beeing masters (maybe not so many, I do not know)

trying one that I see with the master label it goes as expected

Tidal not showing Book 1 at all if you search Trevor Pinnock and albums

Top track No.2 and single still here

Yep. Strange

Yes, the problem currently affected mostly on Universal Music Group, not other label, at least Warner Music not affected

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I’m played the MQA version of Book 1 bookmarked in my library a night before I started this thread, also I tried a few more Classical album from Universal Group and Warner Classical so I found some UMG MQA version no longer playable.

Interesting thread but I really couldn’t care less about MQA or not. As long as I get hi-res audio, I’m happy. Even redbook is sweet-sounding in my system and I have a pretty decent system.

Grateful to be able to listen to just about anything I want…at any time I want.


I created a number of MQA playlists, and those that contained Universal classical albums, do seem to have reverted to redbook. If I look at the different versions, the Qobuz versions are still in HiRes. I was wondering if it were less streamed albums, but I would have thought the Vikingur Olafsson Bach album would still have been streamed a reasonable amount. Yet some Karajan remains in 192kHz MQA.

Whilst this is disappointing, my immediate thought was ‘What will be the point of Tidal?’, though historically, I preferred even redbook on Tidal to Qobuz.

I really hope that Bob Stuart can produce something that processes PCM, as if to MQA, on the fly. But it certainly does look the MQA catalogue on Tidal will shrink, and there will be instability in the sector if Tidal becomes identical to Qobuz.


Yes, TIDAL shouldn’t withdraw the MQA version before the HiRez FLAC become readily available.

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Sure but what has yet to be entirely determined is whether Tidal is giving true redbook or MQA without the signaling. That’s the concern to my understanding.

Can you not move to Qobuz?

So far it seems to be DG albums that have gone, not Decca. DG are also launching a new series it seems, which I imagine will also include downloads in due course, and then streamed versions.

I saw this on the DG website, and there are ‘classic’ recordings, remastered, albeit in vinyl coming (progress at last! We get vinyl!):

“For its 125th birthday, Deutsche Grammophon is releasing legendary recordings with highest sound standards: The new audiophile vinyl series The Original Source presents outstanding recordings from the 1970s in a whole new sound quality. For this, the renowned Emil Berliner Studios have remastered and edited the original four-track tapes in 100% analog quality (AAA) using technologies developed specifically to produce the series. The sonic differences to the original releases are considerable: greater clarity, more subtleties and improvements in frequency response, while at the same time less background noise, distortion and compression allow for an audiophile listening experience like never before.”

For example Kleiber “Beethoven 7th Symphony”

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I for one would move, but it is not available in my country. So vpn and all there rest just to make an account on Qobuz, I did not try

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