TIDAL to add 'millions' of Master Quality (MQA) Tracks

And it is particularly confusing for newcomers when they come asking some very basic questions about how to setup and use Roon, and within 3 posts, they are being bombarded with info on linear power supplies that cost more than my computer, Nucleus+, etc.


I’m not changing track and do not consider MQA useless, I think it’s amazing and the unfolding I experience is sublime. If you think you can get more from it, go for it. MQA studio sounds fine to me.

You are free to buy what ever you choose. If you want MQA fully experience you need to buy and MQA DAC in the same way you would buy a DTS decoder for DTS.

Buying an MQA DAC does not enable you to do DSP in an MQA-compatible way.

Buying Roon does…

DTS really had designs on taking over and becoming ubiquitous in music distribution with those 100 or so DTS CD releases 20 years ago.



HDCD before that and to be honest I really liked the sound of it on an arcam player that decoded it. I could tell them by the smoothness every time.

I agree. But that wasn’t because of HDCD per say but because of the excellent sounding Pacific Microsonics A/D converter used to create them.

As I said, if you are happy with an oligopoly controlling the playback of your music, then good for you. But there’s no reason others should feel the same way.


It’s possibly a reminder that the numbers of audiophiles (not wider population of course) asking for it (emails, phone calls, fax to manufacturers) might be larger than the 300 or so (guesstimate) that are vocal against it on Internet forums…

Maybe! Who knows !

Or has gambled on DSD over the years being the best sound quality (probably right about the sound) and doesn’t want it to lose out to MQA in a format war. As if we haven’t had enough of those over the years where there has only been one winner and it isn’t the consumer. Unfortunately the general public aren’t concerned about best sound quality generally.

I don’t understand what you meant by this but PS Audio included MQA support in their DirectStream DAC’s networking card (Bridge II) due to customer demand, despite being a publicly vocal critic of MQA…

And they have invested heavily in DSD too when a lot haven’t. They would gain a lot of market if DSD took off.

Noted. I’m not suggesting that I think MQA will or won’t take off.

I’m only raising the possibility that there may be more audiophiles asking for it than some think… maybe, maybe not.

In the case of PS Audio, Paul will tell you that is the case.

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Everyone has an angle I guess. A lot of business is built on speculation, belief and a bit of a gamble.
I look at the introduction of CD. Some manufacturers stated that vinyl was dead in the water, others continued with less range, others invested in vinyl and made outstanding turntables.

There are some technical issues with the forum site at present that is affecting some topics … in order for the Roon technical team to investigate and correct this topic has been temporarily closed.

General discussion of MQA technology and it’s merits/demerits can continue in the MQA is disappointing topic.

This topic was automatically opened after 2 days.