I too feel that the focus over recent months and perhaps years has shifted somewhat from improving the Roon software to expanding the user base and adding in more Roon-ready devices.
I had initially found the Roon team very responsive to the userbase, chipping in to the forum and giving information regarding developments. My feeling over the last year or two is that this has unfortunately diminished. There have been several threads about Roon publishing a roadmap type document regarding the future developments - there have been people both for and against, though I think most side with the Roon team in the view that publishing a road map would unlikely be helpful (I was one on the other side who did feel that it would be beneficial overall).
The last few release notes for the Roon app updates have however continued to mention a more significant software update, and a UI overhaul has been mentioned a number of times by the Roon team. I therefore maintain hope that the app will continue to develop in line with the wishes of the userbase and not just in line with market demands.