UK Users being shafted on price of new Nucleus One

I think we are saying the same thing. It’s shipping, packaging, insurance, duty and VAT. To ship to the EU and then the UK will add cost if you are in the EU or not.

It will all become interesting if the US inposes special tariffs on EU goods and then the EU retaliates. It might be much cheaper than in the UK.

We live in interesting times.

Anyway, I’ve bought my Roon One and I’m happy with the product and the price I paid.


The States don’t even charge VAT to own citizens.
The probable reason is that their taxation system is based on sales tax, not value-added taxation.

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The sales tax differs per federal state. (For the end user, it matters little what it‘s called :wink: )

As @Suedkiez said, each state charges their own sales tax, which is why the list prices don’t include it. In some states, it’s 0%, so it’s common practice for people who live close enough to such states to drive across state lines to do their shopping.

It does not depend on the state. What are you talking about? The average is below 10 percent.

My understanding is that State Sales Tax is 0% in Alaska, Delaware,Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon

In other states have sales tax rates vary between 2.9% and 7.25%

On top of that, there are local sales taxes that can be imposed at sub-state levels. These can bring total sales tax paid up to around 9.5% in some areas. Of the five states listed above that have 0% State Sales Tax, I believe 4 of them also don’t employ local sales taxes Alaska being the exception.

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Sales taxes in the United States are taxes placed on the sale or lease of goods and services in the United States. Sales tax is governed at the state level and no national general sales tax exists. 45 states, the District of Columbia, the territories of Puerto Rico, and Guam impose general sales taxes that apply to the sale or lease of most goods and some services, and states also may levy selective sales taxes on the sale or lease of particular goods or services. States may grant local governments the authority to impose additional general or selective sales taxes.

I don’t know the precise average, but the reason there is an average at all is that the existence and amount of sales tax varies between states and local governments.

@moderators could this thread be closed. It’s going nowhere.

I’m a UK resident and I don’t think I’m being shafted on the price. I will just choose to live with what I have or buy something else.


Correct. It can look super complicated compared to the VAT system, but it is more or less the same because of different parafiscal stuff.
However, no one travels around because of the “lower tax.”

Many people have already pointed out that the UK price includes VAT, shipping and import duty (which is levied on the shipping as well as the product) and we also have to pay customs for the privilege of imposing these costs on us! Oh and then there’s the profit for the UK distributors (Henley Audio - I think) and also their transport costs in the UK. But on the other hand the One costs far less than the old “cheap” Nucleus, which is still being sold in the UK for £1700!

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I guess I’m no one.

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Indeed. For example, in WA, there is a state-wide sales tax of 6.5%, but local jurisdictions can add on top of that. In King County, where I live, there’s an additional tax of 3.7%, which brings the total tax to 10.2%. Oregon, the neighboring state to the south, doesn’t have a sales tax, so whenever I’m close to say Portland, OR, I shop there. No idea where @dccf lives and what libraries they go to.

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Sorry, Marian, I had the States in mind.
In Europe, it is normal.

In case it’s not clear already, I do live in the US.

We believe this thread has run its course and is in danger of just turning into a toxic wasteland, thanks to all for their valued contributions.