USB cable improvements for Nucleus

There’s nothing wrong with claiming that one likes the listening experience with a shiny $10,000 USB cable better. I like my equipment to look good, too. This is the subjective part. It can’t even be argued reasonably whether you (generic you) do or do not perceive any difference. In any case it has been shwon that if you tell someone that they are srinking a very expensive wine they will like it much more than if you tell them that the very same wine is three buck chuck.

The actual reproduction of music though is a completely physical process that follows laws of physics just fine. If one claims that something physically impossible is making any difference to the sound (as opposed to a perception of sound), they should demonstrate it. This is quite literally Nobel Prize material.


I think we could talk about that. Sure, you’ll point to human hearing, and the human mind, and maybe you’ll even bring up Roger Penrose’s theories about quantum uncertainties in the brain being undecidable. Yes, there is a biological process at work here. But bear in mind this bit of doggerel my father, a doctor, taught me once:

Medicine is applied zoology;
Zoology is applied biology;
Biology is applied chemistry;
Chemistry is applied physics;
Physics is applied mathematics;
Mathematics is applied philosophy.

The physics of music reproduction is pretty darn applied by now.

With the above caveats, I agree.

Though, here again, we verge on speculative issues of philosophy. People talk about creativity, but I sometimes wonder if the ability to appreciate creativity isn’t the more important talent. If ten thousand instances of ChatGPT labor over typewriters for ten thousand years, they may accidentally write “Hamlet”, but if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it really make a sound?


Hi Steve,

I’ve used the Nucleus for Tidal and Qobuz with a similar setup. The Curious Evolved USB cable can indeed improve sound quality, but the extent varies.

In my experience, it provided a subtle but noticeable enhancement - better clarity, tighter bass, and a refined sound when connecting my Mscaler/Dave. However, the impact can differ by system.

Consider trying the cable if possible, as results vary. Your system’s quality and your personal preference will determine if it’s worth the cost.

Sigh. Oh well huh

I always thought this one was pretty obvious. “Sound” is an interpretation of the effect of sound waves impinging on our auditory apparatus. If there is no auditory apparatus present, there is no sound. There are sound waves but no sound. Sorry if that sounds pedantic. My wife hates it when I do that too.

Hmm, a falling tree makes sound, whether you are there or not. If you are there you will probably HEAR it. Sound waves travel from the origin of the sound to your hearing (and elsewhere).

Hmmm too. How was that with Schroedinger‘s cat?

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Is this like

“If a USB cable makes a difference, but the guys wife isn’t there to hear the difference from the next room, did it really happen”


Previously asked and answered.

Answered yes, settled not.
If there is falling it might be a tree (possibly within a forest). Or a bear (from a tree?).

We are getting into subjectivity and philosophy of language (which both are never ending debates).

If we stick to strictly science -which I think a Roon forum should do (but I am perfectly willing to agree to disgree)- the tree, the falling and the sound exist. Otherwise I like the reference to Schrodingers cat.

It takes perception to create an object; without that there is only potentiality.

Esse est percipi.

Sure, one can argue that this AS SUCH is needed to create an object IN OUR INDIVIDUAL MINDS. It really is a philosophical question if one can be certain anything other exists beyond our own minds. That is indeed which you are referring to, isn’t it? Your reference is one of many possible philosophical views. It can’t be proven right or wrong, because of what it in itself is. But I think this discussion is way out of the scope of this forum. It does not help to answer the question whether an USB cable can make any difference or not. (It is scientifically well established that it objectively can’t as long as everything is functioning correctly). Of course, subjectively everything is always possible. Consequently it is limited to that very person. (Side note: I find it pretty hard having this discussion in a language which is not my mother tongue…, hope native speakers don’t burst out laughing…).

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No, I am saying that until a sentient being, e.g. a cat or a human or whatever, sees (or hears or otherwise senses some ‘thing’) then that ‘thing’ has yet to be defined out of a universal matrix and as soon as it has stopped being sensed then it sinks back into that matrix. Vacuum energy is the way physics might describe it.

That’s what behind the whole parable of a deity having Adam name things.

I suppose now you can ‘kick a stone’ to prove me wrong.

On that we can agree. I’m out. :slightly_smiling_face:

AudioQuest product suggestion: Schrödinger’s Cable.


I like it! The resultant sound stage can be thought of as both good and bad.


It both does, and doesn’t make a difference

Boutique USB Cables and Viagra got one thing in common. If everything is ok, you don’t need it.


Hi everyone

I just love music by the way :innocent:
