Value of Lifetime Subscribers to Roon

I realize that your comment was addressed to @danny, but the point I think he was trying to make in the post that I referenced is that a true life-long friend provides the kind of support that their friends need, when they need it. And these needs may change over time.

In the early days, Roon Labs needed a burst of short-term revenue to start the company. Lifetime subscribers stepped up to provide it. We have the great Roon software and service that we do today because Lifetime subscribers were true friends, taking a risk, and giving Roon Labs what they needed back then.

Going forward, Roon Labs needs steady revenue to pay employees and cover the cost of delivering services to a growing subscriber base. Committed Annual subscribers are stepping up to provide it. We’ll have great Roon software and services tomorrow because Annual subscribers are true friends, giving Roon Labs what they need to keep growing and improving.

I’m grateful to all of the Lifetime subscribers who took a risk so that we could enjoy the amazing service that Roon provides. I’m sure they will be grateful for all of the Annual subscribers who enable that service to continue long past their four to six-year “break-even” points.

Like @Jim_F suggested, you missed the window to be a hero and risk your $499 to help Roon’s founders start the company. If you like using Roon, join the next generation of heroes by becoming an Annual subscriber.

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