What happens with the lifetime subscribers if the company folds or is sold?

Exactly my thoughts. Well said!

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https://help.roonlabs.com/portal/en/kb/articles/export ?

I got my lifetime subscription in 2016, so I figure no matter what now I am free and clear, but I do wonder what happens, not if Roon go bust, but if it is bought by the likes of Apple. Would they honour such subscriptions and if they did, would they change some pricing tier that meant lifetime subscribers missed out on new features unless they paid more. I think that is more likely than Roon going bust.

I’m in the same boat; subscribed in 2016, went lifetime in 2017.

Time will tell.

The odds of being purchased by Apple or Amazon is lower than the odds of me sprouting wings and flying to work tomorrow. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Why should Apple be interested in a bad integrated software (in relation to their eco-system) that’s based on .NET and OpenGL instead of Swift/ObjC and native UI?

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I’d assume RAAT has value to the likes of Apple, especially as their streaming solutions are so bad.
Obviously don’t want a company like Apple anywhere near Roon, so I hope your view is the correct one.

If it was just RAAT, that could be a licensable product - seems like Roon could give out the endpoint tech for free and license the server/transmitter tech. I doubt A large company like that would be super interested in the subscriber base. At least not until it’s much larger. But you never know, we are a fascinating group.

Apple have already developed their own transport system (AirPlay) nothing remotely stopping from doing a higher end option without much ado at all. I think Roon is safe for now - and I’m in the same boat lifetime wise as 5 years + used now. Paying it back/forward in the community now is my thing.


Just went lifetime even though there were still five months left on my first annual subscription.

Here are my 2 cents.

  1. I was constantly evaluating whether it is worthwhile to keep Roon subscription and comparing it to other offerings all the time. It is exhausting and not good for my mental health :sweat_smile: But if you are kind of person who doesn’t worry about this kind of things, renewing annually is probably the most logical thing to do. :+1:
  2. Nothing comes close to Roon. This is the conclusion I had when switching back and forth between Roon and others. Roon makes my music listening experience so enjoyable that I don’t think I can put up with other inferior products. A lot of things can happen in 6 years, but a new software betters Roon significantly is not one of them IMHO.
  3. It’s a lot of money. But it is the only audio related purchase I had that will actually get better over time.
  4. I don’t see Roon going out of business any time soon. The fact that many hardware manufacturers are embracing Roon alone shows how much confidence the industry has on Roon.
  5. TIDAL and Qobuz face fierce competition from the likes of Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon Music, especially after every major players do Hires now. As a result they have much higher chance of going out of business than Roon. But I’m sure Roon will find alternative streaming services or even release its own if that happens.
  6. Obviously there won’t be any discount on lifetime subscription, not even on Black Friday. Its price would only go up before disappearing altogether, as @danny said repeatedly this wasn’t an option they wanted to keep long-term.

Happy listening!


The Roon Team agrees wholeheartedly with everything you’ve just said.


Thank you, @danny . Please keep doing what you are doing! :+1: :+1: :+1:


In the case Roon shuts down because of any reason.
Will we still manage to stream music from the existing online services? Ie Qobuz and Tidal

Thanks Jim
Not sure my point was understood
If Roon comes to stop, will we still be able to use Roon for streaming from those services within Roon? An answer from Roon would be much appreciated

That’s probably impossible to answer because they don’t know under what circumstances they would cease to exist. It’s just not something worth worrying about. Who knows what the future may bring. If Roon were sold, obviously the new company would have to honor all Roon contractual agreements. I don’t know many things we purchase that have a lifetime guarantee or last forever.

Interesting question. Hopefully someone from Roon will respond.

My guess would be that Roon would be limited to local libraries should the company go out of business.

Other than Danny saying “…functionality would be reduced…”, I don’t recall anything being said about the impact on using Roon to stream Tidal and Qobuz (I suspect that functionality would go away).

It wouldn’t be up to us. Tidal/Qobuz could revoke our API keys for streaming if we went out of business. I think they’d be dumb to piss off their own customers, but we wouldn’t really have a say in the matter.

This is clear Danny, thanks
Hope this will not be likely to happen anyway
Your tool is great

I wish you for Christmas 203x or 204x or 205x a large and well paid Roon team with many qualified employees. The problem with the lifelong subscriptions from the early days of 201x solves itself, because we all do not become 110 or 120 years.

I wish to take Roon to Paradise with me at the same time. If the market conditions are no longer right, I wish the transfer to open source with support from the strong community.

The life’s work of the founders must not be retired where many of us already are. It is strange what life problems retirees have.

The demand to go lifelong I would also do, but not for Roon, but for my own life. Those who can’t or don’t want to spend the last 100 € or $ a year should think even less.