What is required for native DSD on linux?

This “patch the kernel per device” is ruining things for everyone.

Someone really needs to bite the bullet and make this quirks stuff data driven instead of baking it into the kernel. It’s a simple lookup table, and it wouldn’t be that hard. Make a way to replace (or augment, or whatever the kernel dudes think is most appropriate) the lookup table in the kernel in a global way at runtime…then either Roon Bridge could inject an up-to-date list of mappings, or OS providers like Raspbian or DietPi could do it. Or maybe a combination.

If it were data driven, it would be possible to make a tool that helped a much less technical person fiddle with their DAC and try out the few different options and make it work. It could be a step-by-step wizard–there’s only a handful of DSD formats. All it has to do is let you pick your device then try them one by one and play a test tone. If one of them works, great, lets set you up and submit it to a global database somewhere so other people can benefit automatically. If not, sorry.

No idea what it would take to make the Linux guys accept that patch. The politics in that project make me afraid that the effort won’t bear fruit.

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