What We Are Listening To [2021-11]

Big thanks to @Uwe_Albrecht for introducing me to the Littlemen band on the Post Some Interesting Cover Versions thread.

Scoped out their Bandcamp site and was disheartened to discover that their first full-length release, “Long Road Home,” was only partially available to download. So I reached out to the band via the “Contact littlemen” link provided on the Bandcamp page linked and was pleasantly surprised to receive a quick response back from Nick Allen, the band’s lead vocalist. He offered to send me a physical copy of each of their two full-length releases and threw in an additional 4-track EP with songs from the album they are currently working on, “Flares Over Warminster.”


It includes some good tunes, including this one…

And it appears that they are going on tour next month, starting with a gig at Komedia in their hometown of Bath, UK. I mentioned that they ought to see if @Chrislayeruk might be interested in scheduling them at the Little Rabbit Barn while they are on the road. Will definitely try and catch them if they ever tour nearby in the States. Thanks again Uwe.