I’ve been looking for this for awhile . I found a mint copy on on Discogs for $20 with shipping. Jim Gordon plays drums on all tracks.
Quite impressed myself. Hoping to catch Jeffrey Martin live when he comes my way next month. Currently checking out a new artist to me who’s touring with Jeffrey…
“If Hanging Stars have to remain one of the nation’s better-kept secrets after this release, then there is clearly no justice. It’s true, though; Country remains very much on the end of ten-foot bargepoles for still so many listeners, especially if homegrown, as the astonishing poor acclaim offered to the Alan Tyler’s wonderful Rockingbirds and, thus far, Dean Owens seems to demonstrate. For this is the issue, however much you might tart it up as country-rock or UK-Americana, noses seem to get looked down upon our own produce. And so unfairly, when that product is, like this, so much more than the re-fried beans of Nashville (copy)cats, being a compelling blend of influences and origins. Hank never did it quite like this.” ~Seuras Og [At the Barrier]
Haters gonna hate, but who can dislike Louis Armstrong, Charles Trenet, Van Morrison, Paolo Conte, Ella Fitzgerald, and harmonica player Toots Thielemans?
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