Which HQP Filter are you using? [2024]

So need to DYI eGPU project:

PCI connection

Power supply

External mount

For PCM or SDM?

It may be cheaper to change computer for one with bigger case where the GPU card fits in a standard way. Less cables, less hassle. I donā€™t know anyone using GPU in an external box with HQPlayer so this not a small investment may potentially become a source of unknown troubles.


DSD512 4M vs 32M

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Hello everyone!
I just updated my Sonicorbiter I-9 To HQ player 5.5 (had to mail it in!) and I am exploring the new filters, etc. So far, I am impressed that it seems that I can play filters that previously were a bit taxing on that particular CPU. My DAC is a RME ADI dac2-FS with the AKM chip in dsd directā€¦any ā€œnew/betterā€ options with HqPlayer 5 vs 4 regarding filters/settings? This is what I settled on last night but curius what others with HqPlayer 5.x and RME Adi dacs prefer?


You could try:
1x = poly-sinc-gauss-long
Nx = poly-sinc-gauss-hires-lp
Modulator = ASDM7EC-super

Rate limit 12288000

Auto rate family checked.

For DSD sources:
Integrator = FIR2

P.S. Also worth comparing modulator ASDM7EC-ul/light/super. And then choose filter according to your preferences. Assuming ADI-2 is set to DSD Direct.

Some of the new filters in hqp 5 that are worth trying in my opinion are the sinc short, medium, long filters, and the half band filters xs, s, and the sinc mga.

The defaults provided by Miska are excellent all rounders that will sound great with just about anything you throw at them. But the half band filters are very interesting, and the sinc short, medium and long filters are great for classical, operaā€¦

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Thanks Jussi! Really appreciate your feedback! That set up def brought out a bit blacker background and less ringing with some piano pieces I like to test withā€¦sounds great with indie rock too! I listen to mostly classical and alt rock so love trying diff filters with diff genres!

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Thanks Deric! I will try out some of half band as wellā€¦just got a new copy of the Knappertbusch Wagner Ring off Pristine Classical yesterday so eager to see what works great with opera!

Iā€™m using a desktopmini B660 with 13th i9, Iā€™m mostly happy with it because itā€™s very compact for my limited space and performs well. But we always crave more power to explore new dimensions on HQplayer.

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Of course, there are more options to try. When you are listening both to rock and classical (opera) genres, you need to use different filters for these.

Since you experienced ringing with rock music, you can yet lower it over poly-sinc-gauss-long with for example poly-sinc-short-mp, poly-sinc-xtr-short-mp, poly-sinc-gauss-short. But also with poly-sinc-gauss or poly-sinc-mp, which are of middle length.

For classical (opera) you can use all middle to long filters, like poly-sinc-lp, poly-sinc-long-lp-2s, poly-sinc-hb-m, poly-sinc-hb-l, sinc-Mx, sinc-LI, ā€¦

Depending on your computer power, some long filters may take very long time to initialize or may not be playable on a given computer at all, so donā€™t be surprised if such a thing happens with some of them. The hardest to run are sinc-L, sinc-long, polysinc-long-lp, sinc-Mx. You can get perfect sound for classical (opera) without these four too, using the above suggestions.

The filter table in HQPlayer PDF manual shows general recommendations which filters are suitable for which genre and which are apodizing. The apodizing filters may fix some source content errors.

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Immediately after reading the message, I had to try poly-sinc-mp and rock after a long time, it never disappoints!


I think Iā€™ve found one:

But my desktop mini B660 has a USB-C DP type not thunderbolt 3 :smiling_face_with_tear:

That is so small GPU that Iā€™m not sure if it is really useful, unless your CPU is small and slow too.

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Small but not slow, mostly happy with its performance. I guess Iā€™ll stick to it for a while. Also the AVX support gave it a nice boost recently.

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Hello all!
Having analysed the effect of filters on the sound with my OS DAC when playing periodic white noise at the maximum supported 352/384 kHz, I wanted to point out that almost all filters have a very similar direct or if I may say so ā€œcorrectā€ character. Polynomial-1 (slightly more ā€œcorrectā€ polynomial-2) and poly-sinc-gauss-hires stand apart. I have collected in a single table the readings reflecting the character of AFC when using this or that filter - perhaps it will help someone to decide on the desired character. HQP filters

My question to @jussi_laako is, are you planning to create a similar filter with a ā€œsoftā€ NOS response on HF up to 20 kHz and a sharp cut-off after that? I think that would be a very interesting signature in the sound.


I think you can do such by placing a low-pass filter or high shelf to the matrix and then using suitable upsampling filter with that.

Thatā€™s my go to for Rock after going through all of the options, love it :metal:


Thanks a lot for putting together the info. Just wondering whatā€™s the meaning of different color? I see the color could be different even for the same value boxes.

The color shows the deviation relatively within the column (frequency). The ā€œgreenerā€ the color - less smoothing on HF. I corrected the table a bit, made filters and added information from the pdf manual with recommendations on styles (pop, rockā€¦) and influence (trans., timbre, etc.). I hope it will be useful. :slight_smile: