Which Intel NUC to choose?

I have done comparison of the CPU performance figures used in a number of NUCs here, from the lowest spec supported NUC5i3 to current ‘highest’ spec NUC10i7

Library size is just one element, but number of endpoints to be used simultaneously, level of DSP intended with each endpoint.
Again on my original NUCi5 I proved that 4 endpoints could be supported all with heavy DSP workload (DSD upconverting, EQ Evolution files, format downconverting to 24/192, PCM conversion to DSD).

So if little DSP is to be used and a single endpoint, the single thread specification is all that is important, the rest is performance that will be only be utilised during local file analysis on initial library build and when adding local files to the library (streamed files aren’t analysis in advance of being played),

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