Why I will not buy Roon

Try some Billie Eilish for some epic bass lines on her latest album. Go easy :sunglasses:

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You don’t have to take it so personally. I’m not coming down on anyone. I love a lot of EDM and trance. But I’m referring to dynamic range, not volume.

That’s a good point.

I’m not one for fringe music…but man I really enjoy Yello! Limbo is a great one…I like their unusual recording techniques…plus it’s recorded well!


I think not just EDM but just about all pop music since the late 90s is overly compressed in a quest to make songs bigger, not just in the bass. But I get what you mean about a system that can’t reproduce low frequencies as well.

If I put as much effort into a post where I outline how much I enjoy Roon as you have into this post … it would takes hours to read it. Sorry to be blunt - I could care less that you don’t like Roon. You can edit and fix your own metadata and correct album art for those albums you are mentioning. I am a bit OCD when it comes to my metadata and album art - so I respect the fact that is a concern for you. But you at least can make changes that will not be reverted as a result of Roon from my experience.

sorry to hear that you had problems with Roon, but the real problem is that no audio program is perfect, they all have their own problems…

I unfortunately also have some issues with Roon:

Durring the last update the functionallity “Recent Added Music” is limited to only the albums you have added, before you could scroll way futher in time, and see all “recently added music” Please Roon put this functionality back!
Many people liked it, the new functionality is no improvement

Meta data disasters: Meta data can really distroy your precious music collection in a few seconds, if you are not carefully

Did you know there is a free music streaming software called “QuodLibet”?
This very nice looking software program doesn’t do anything with metadata, because it’s designed
around the idea that you know best how to organize your own music.
Maybe you should try it?

Roon please make a lot of people happy and introduce a simple what you see is what you get mode, no metadata, just folder name, and cover. jpg set as coverart
were foldername is: artists name - album name
doesn’t sound so difficult :slight_smile:

:man_shrugging: :man_facepalming: :man_shrugging: :man_facepalming:

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Love yello too. Lots in my collection. swing is one of my faves


Says every company that went out of business.

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Hasn’t harmed Apple yet.

That comparison is beyond comical.

Hi, yeah I guess, maybe, but what do you mean by “very real”? Are they really? … this is a free forum though and it’s entertaining to read because the opinions are so diverse, which sadly is not the case with so many other boring audio forums - oh dear another positive for Roon :slight_smile:

As was your well structured answer.

Thank you, sir! :wink:

I compared everyones suggestions, I think Billie Eilish wins:

Emika 3 hours:

Yello Toy Limbo:

Billie Eilish Xanny:

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I don’t either. Especially when they write a book as their first post. Reading the title, I knew it was going to be “something”.

Granted, I had my issues with Roon for a little bit and complained openly about it. I also got a lot a flack because of it. In the end, I had come to the conclusion it was Microsoft and the version of Windows that was the culprit, NOT Roon.

I said my apologies and we all moved on.


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Thanks for this thorough post. Not sure what all the whining is about from people who either don’t think you should have an opinion, or who don’t want to read it but still read it anyhow–I guess just so they can complain.

But here’s a different spin. I just started a trial subscription. In my experience, I rarely identify the sources of my eventual dissatisfaction during a product trial, and so am grateful to hear about some issues that experienced users have had. This post already identifies a couple of things that I’m pretty sure will irritate me, but at least I won’t waste time trying to find workarounds that don’t exist or tilting at windmills that don’t yield to tilting.

I also think that MOST manufacturers/developers–at least smart ones–want to know why they’re losing sales. Even if they can’t do anything about it. I know that in my business when I lose a customer I ALWAYS want to know why, and appreciate it when someone takes the time to tell me in a respectful way.

If folks on the forum don’t want to read the post, then don’t. You’re telling the OP to vote with his feet and shut up about it. You can do the same.


Me too. Sorry, but Dire Straits Love Over Gold would NOT have as similar any Angelic Upstarts album. Just not. Really no.

Wow iv just wasted 20mins of my life