Your Nice Photos - list camera details too if you like [2022-02]

Day off so went for a walk

De Liereman, Antwerp, Belgium


From my neighborhood two weeks ago with my new iPhone 14 Pro.


I frequently find photos posted in this thread are amazing and end up wondering where they are (within reason). While pondering a couple of recent posts I remembered seeing the google map of Roon Community members and thought that it’s existence needs some promotion so:-

Google Roonie Map

As the maps are visible to everyone on Planet Google please, should you decide to add your location, make it it an approximate location for all of the usual security reasons. You can also remove your entry if you change your mind. If you previously added your details and subsequently changed your Roon username you need to amend the map.

Here’s an example, hopefully we’ll see you on there :crossed_fingers:t2:


Love the feel of those images :sunglasses:

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These are from my neighborhood in Fayetteville, AR.

tunnel by the railway station, Antwerp, Belgium


@Michael_Harris, I wouldn’t judge you if a bottle of Casg Annamh lasted you only a week :grin:


Thanks Graeme that means a lot :tumbler_glass: :+1:

(Though I do not take it as being a target :grin:)

Over an evening with my father and friends, an initially full bottle can be easily destined to the recycling bin!

Though as I have mentioned before, we have a unique measuring system in Scotland:


I see the map and see my location on the map but buggered if I see how I actually add my name to it?

Taken last week with the vanilla iPhone 11.


Same here, Ace.

Sorry, it’s really is obvious when you’ve spent half an hour faffing around (I finally remembered) trying to figure it out :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Hopefully the following should help, let me know if there’s still problems….

On the map, long Tap to drop a red pin. Tap on the three dots to open the sub menu.

Tap Add label then enter your Roon user name

Your entry should be complete and displayed on the map (ignore my red pin, I tapped twice).



Just finished faffing about and prepping a couple of screenshots and there you go off into the sunset with my thunder :joy: :+1:


Thanks Paul
I think I’d eventually figure it out last night.
Hint…don’t try to do it on a phone!
Have not checked since if I show up on the map to others but it showed for myself

I have seen a shot from Strokkur Geysir in Iceland.
These are my shots, taken on Christmas eve 2012, around noon (Oh gosh, already almost 10 years ago).
Usually you get good photos with the sun in your back. Then it looks like this (late stage of the eruption):

Than I tried the other direction and that was the result (early stage of the eruption):

I admit, for the second shot, there is a bit of post processing involved. :wink:


Yep, you’re on the map. :+1:

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Whoopeedo! :innocent:

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