Bug report: play single track with convolution filter

Hi @pbphoto ---- Thank you for the report and sharing your feedback with us. The insight is very appreciated!

Moving forward, I would like to pass your report over to our QA techs for further investigation but would like to gather the following information/materials from you to attach to my report. Please see below.

  • Please provide a brief but accurate description of your current setup using this link as a guide.

  • Please provide us with a copy of the convolution filter and media that was used during your test in a “shared” dropbox link. While I understand that this appears to be a general issue I want to make sure the team has your testing materials just in case we come up with a different result :wink:

  • I have went ahead and enabled diagnostics on your account so we can have a closer look into what is going on when you are using convolution with a single track. Would you kindly reproduce the issue a few times, and let us know the exact time when you the error occurs during playback.
