i’ll write my two pennies of … disappointment about the new 1.6 release.
i’m not going to talk about qobuz, that i’m sure is an improvement.
no changes in the UI, except in now playing and search. so, all problems in the artists pictures are still unsolved (fronthead, and resolution in “discover” page)
roon radio. no options at all on users side: no way to select a genre, or to randomize on albums (instead of tracks), or other options. the “new” is in the so-called machine learning engine… ok, maybe. i’ll stay on the “random radio” extension, that works.
i don’t like the karaoke feeling of the “now playing” track lyrics. but i don’t care. in the track credits section of the “now playing” page you cannot chose to show credits by name (only by role.). but the albums and artist infos on the “now playing” page do fill something missing…
now, the search page. this is really the worst thing. this is what i see on a PC screen:
-90% of black screen
-6 main results on artist (and 6 on albums).
-very small and round images… not a good idea when 70% of roon artists pictures already cut faces
-PERFORMERS ARE DISAPPEARED. and this is frankly quite incomprehensible to me. i don’t know if the new search page merges the artists and the performers (maybe a good idea in the search page, i don’t know). it seems so… but for the “michael” search (or even for “john”) it shows 40 results… quite impossible in my library (2000 artists and 10000 performers).
i don’ know, maybe i’m overcritical.
anyway, in the release notes i don’t see anything in the new metadata engine that should solve the duplicate artists problem. is that a new feature?