Hi Everyone,
I happily use my Auralic Aries Femto with Roon since 2017.
The Aries is currently connected via coaxial to my DAC.
I was wondering if I can add a 2nd USB DAC and create a 2nd Zone in Roon? Would that work ? Or should I always access Lightning DS to switch between USB and Coaxial?
(Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!)
If it shows up in Roon as an audio zone once you connect a usb dac to the Aries it will work perfectly well .
I actually do something similar but three actual audio zones out of my Antipodes server.
USB, spdif and analog.
All three once connected show up as three separate audio zones in Roon and switching between them is swift and effortless.
Give it a try.
Unfortunately it does not work
I connected a 2nd DAC to the USB port but Roon could not find it
I had to open the Auralic app and switch output from coaxial to USB. Once done, Roon recognized the USB DAC…but not the coaxial one.
Seems like Aries can manage one output at a time…
This is a shame, I can achieve the above on my cheaper Allo Usb Bridge/Digione signature. It is weird that Auralic can’t
(Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!)
I wondered if that was going to be the stumbling block, shame that Aries cannot manage both enabled at the same time, even the iFi Zen Stream at just $399 can manage both spdif and usb on together.