2018 Mac Mini Thoughts?

Any advantage to the 10 Gigabit Ethernet option?

A nuc of course is not limited to ROCK for Roon…windows is an option, but doesn’t come with it.

One other thing that windows and Mac have over rock or nucleus for that matter at this point in time is the ability to run the extension environment (node.js) if such extensions are important to you…personally I use alarm clock on my windows Roon Server that’s not a nuc

The cost of some of the new Mac Mini options easily run to the price of a Nucleus. If you want ultimate SQ and ultimate ‘set and forget’ that would doubtless be it.

On the other hand, if you need it to occasionally watch movies and need HQP, I guess it’s a Mac Mini all the way, but maybe see how loud they are before finally pulling the trigger on one.

remember Apple store (retail and online) have a 14 day no questions asked return policy too so you can play away with it as your core and if you find its too noisy then return it

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Also one thing to consider re fan noice. The i3 will most likely be quieter than the i7.
I5 might be the sweet spot re noice/performance.

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For what it is worth:

I’m heavily into to Apple eco-system and I’ve been running Roon of my late 2012 2,3 GHz iCore 7, 16 GB memory MacMini with an 1 TB Harddrive (no SSD).

It also serves as Spammail defence (using Spamsieve).

And it has so far been working flawlessly. Just remember to turn off any automatical updates to that system as it in my experience cause you problems.

I guess it will be no problem if you’re already into the Apple eco-system on your other items as you will then be advised of any changes and updates and will be able to react accordingly. If the MacMini is your only Apple device your situation might be different.

Also your setup could be influenced by thew number of albums put into Roon,

Mine is less than 1K (Only the ones that I really (really) like. The remainders are played through iTunes.

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When you buy an Apple product you are paying for product quality and support. And, a complete suite of excellent software which they keep updated for you. Just looked at the Mini and it appears to be an excellent machine, actually a complete computer which is probably not needed in for the Roon application. I’m using a dedicated MacBook Pro to run Roon so the Mini option seems reasonable in cost. But It’s all relative, the power cord to my DAC costs more than the Mini so it makes a difference what you value. Also, after years of hassle with Widows software in business and at home… never again.
Enjoy the music.

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SSD won’t be swappable - Apple implement their own SSD controller via the T2 chip.

Plus good chance that the SSD will be soldered or even just a bunch of chips on the mainboard.

Will there be an onboard interface for a 2nd drive - questionable i’d say. Not long to wait for the 1st reviews.

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That is correct. You cannot replace the SSD. How much you need is a personal decision. If you’re not sure than buy the next size up. That’s where I landed with it. I think the 256GB drive would work for me but it might be a little tight, so 512GB is it.


It sounds like you’re looking for validation for something you’re going to purchase anyway. Just go ahead and get it.

Is the ultimate SQ assessment demonstrably true? Not meant to be a provocative question, but is that the consensus now with Roon SQ improvements? No need for HQ Player anymore? Simplifying my setup would be a good thing. I’m a little wary of the migration path, but maybe it’s not as bad as I think it would be. Also, in a NUC configuration is it possible to use an iOS device as a controller?

My mind isn’t made up, but I was thinking all along I would upgrade to another Mac Mini and was looking for the optimum specs regarding processor, ram and storage. I admit, I could have articulated that better, but trying to think this through to make it as hassle-free as possible. $ are still a consideration, but not the only one.

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Don’t worry, there are more Mac users here that consider buying a replacement of their Roon core Macs. And the new Mac mini is an option, maybe the best that Apple currently offers. My Mac mini 2014 is still fit enough to run the latest OS and Roon core 24h/24h. What I miss on the new Mac mini is the optical output that also had been removed from Macbook pros and iMacs since 2016. But USB-C is a great interface for most add-ons like drives, screens, audio extensions, input devices.

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It depends what you mean by demonstrably, I suppose, but there’s a good review and interesting measurements vs PC here - Roon Nucleus review in HiFi News

Thanks, this was interesting. Has anyone done a ROCK shootout vs. Roon Core with HQP?

No matter where or what your core is an iOS device post ios11 and ideally any recent models should be fine as remotes. Even a 6th gen iPod touch is ok if you don’t mind really small fonts and touch areas

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Out of interest, what do you use HQP for?

I’ve used it as my audio player for some time. Integrated with Roon for the upsampling and some noise shaping. I’ve read that Roon’s SQ has improved. Maybe I don’t need it anymore?

Hello there

I ordered this model, would that be enough for DSD upsampling:

Personally I think you should be OK for DSD no issue but depending on what other DSP features you need to use might limit DSD512 but lower rates should be ok.

Ive used an i5-6500 for DSD-256 no issues, but it sometimes struggled at DSD512