Audio Gear Talk
Sonos Discuss Sonos products, and using Roon with Sonos! OPPO Discussion of products from OPPO Digital! JPlay There is no association between Roon Labs LLC and JPLAY. RoPieee Discuss anything related to RoPieee, an ‘Roon-ready-to-go’ image for the Raspberry Pi. JRiver There is no association between Roon Labs LLC and JRiver, Inc. iFi Discussion about iFi audio products! McIntosh Discussion of products made by McIntosh! rooExtend This category is for discussion of rooExtend and its associated Roon extensions. Lyngdorf HQ Player Discussion for anything related to Signalyst's HQ Player software. Sonore Discussion for any hardware made by SONORE computer audio ( ). T+A Discussion of products from T+A ! DietPi This category is for discussion of using Diet Pi to run Roon Bridge on system-on-chip devices like Raspberry Pi, FriendlyARM, etc. PS Audio Discussion for any hardware made by PS Audio. DAPs General Digital Audio Player (DAP) conversation lives here, enjoy! Raspberry Pi Discuss using Roon with Rapsberry Pi! exaSound Discuss using Roon with Exasound, including RoonReady products like the Playpoint. Small Green Computer Discuss using Roon with products from Small Green Computer, such as Vortexbox. MQA All things MQA -- Cambridge Audio Share your experience and tips and tricks for Cambridge Audio products here! Innuos Discussion for Innuos’ products resides in this category. Audeze Discussion on Audeze products and DSP in Roon. Bryston Discuss using Roon with Bryston, including RoonReady products like the BDP-2. MOON by Simaudio Squeezebox Discussion for anything related to the Squeezebox product line or LMS. Matrix Audio Discussion for any hardware made by Matrix Audio! Trinnov Discussion of products from Trinnov Audio! Bowers & Wilkins Category for discussing products from Bowers & Wilkins. IEMs In-Ear Monitors discussion lives here! Allo Discussion of products from Allo! Airplay Discuss using Roon with Airplay devices by Apple and other companies. Devialet Discussion for any hardware made by Devialet SA ( ). Chord Discussion of products from Chord Electronics! SOtM Discuss SOtM products, and using Roon with SOtM! Benchmark Discussion of Benchmark gear goes here! Audirvana There is no association between Roon Labs LLC and Audirvana. Naim Discussion of products from Naim Audio! Music Services Talk about music services and other providers of audio content here, whether they be buy or rent. dCS Discussion related to dCS product lines like Vivaldi, Rossini, and more. BluOS: NAD & Bluesound BluOS enabled devices from NAD and Bluesound have joined the family of devices that are Roon Ready! Antipodes KEF Discussion of products made by KEF! Hegel DSP Discussion of Digital Signal Processing, including room correction products like Dirac, Acourate, HAF, and more! Meridian Audio Discussion for any hardware made by Meridian Audio Ltd or Meridian America Inc. Mytek This category is for discussion of products made by Mytek Digital! FiiO Talk about FiiO gear goes here! Linn Discussion for any hardware made by Linn Products Limited. Auralic Discussion for any hardware made by AURALiC Ltd. Lumin Discussion for any hardware made by Lumin! Headphones Discuss using Roon with your favorite headphones here!