2024.10 - hotfix for Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

As some of you already find out (painfully): there’s a bug in 2024.10 that prevents the Zero 2 W from booting.

The good news is that I’ve released a hotfix to fix that: 2024.10, build 1853

The not so good news is that you need to reflash if you already updated your device (and basically bricked it).


It works, thank you.

Thanks for the Hotfix @spockfish

Can only see Build 1839 on the site. Where do we download Build 1853?

Oooh. Fixed. It was late :wink:

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Got it! Works now. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Both my Zeros are Ones now (cheesy computer joke). Upgrade from 2024.09 to 2024.10 (1853) completed successfully.