6 months in, new router, new ISP, and I still can't get ARC working

I walk my dog for an hour every day. I use my iPhone and Apple Air Pods Max while on this daily walk as well. ARC is lucky to work 1/2 the time…it’s the most frustrating SW I use. I usually revert to Apple Music, iTunes…because…ya know…IT WORKS!!!

Hi @LarryMagoo

Unfortunately this isn’t going to help the OP achieve Roon Arc to work.

I’m attempting to help them pin point where the issue is and hopefully achieve a fix.



Yes, that is exactly right. No box. There is a dish.

Sorry, I changed the IP of the ROCK today as part of my fault finding. I promise that the roon ROCK, and the router are now all set to


I tried the shieldsup site.

It saw my fixed IP

The report on my roon port was:
RC Port Authority Report created on UTC: 2023-04-13 at 16:03:27

Results from probe of port: 59659

0 Ports Open
1 Ports Closed
0 Ports Stealth

1 Ports Tested

THE PORT tested was found to be: CLOSED.

TruStealth: FAILED - NOT all tested ports were STEALTH,
- NO unsolicited packets were received,

Yes, but I live in an urban area of Spain, where everywhere is 5G, so I think I might work well here.

And I LOVE roon. It runs all the music at home, in all our rooms, from all our various storages.


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So it looked like this

er…no. It looked like this:

I believe it’s your ISP causing that.

If the port forward rule or UPnP wasn’t set you’d get this.

Was this on a Windows 10/11 PC?

Also, is it Roon Rock on your NUC?

And you’ve set your ports to 55000 or 59659?

Yes, everything is currently set to 59659.

I am using “Roon Rock” and “NUC” interchangeably to refer to a small factor intel i7 computer that houses the Roon Rock software and nothing else.


I am using an iMac running Ventura 13.


Port forwarding rule set


No ISP box to bridge

Then I am confused :thinking:

It is looking likely to be an ISP issue but I could be wrong

So, your ISP is no longer a “guy in a flat with 18 cats”?

I suspect that your new ISP is doing something similar, however. He will have the router that needs to be set up with port forwarding I think…

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Ah, I remember reading that post :man_facepalming:

So your provider is a WISP! If this is the case they’ll have you setup on a VLAN at their end with firewall rules etc. port forwarding would need implementing at their end as well as yours.

That’s if it’s still the same guy with 18 cats.

Yes, he is the guy in a flat with 18 cats. Well remembered.
The advantage of dealing with an ISP that comprises 1 dude and 18 animals is that you can chat to him in a bar, and get him to switch you from Cogent to his alternative feed, Orange.

But yes, whatever is wrong could be how he has set himself up.

I too am left with thinking that this is an ISP issue. But there is a small bell ringing about reading some story that Netgear’s Orbi router has some weird problem with Roon. But I have not been able to confirm. So I plan to go back to the Netgear forum and ask.

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I will ask him. Time to brush up on my spanish.

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I think

necesito que reenvíes el tráfico en el puerto 59659 para poder usar Roon Arc