A silly question on DACS

They used to. Not any more. I’d go with a Pi4 over Ethernet any day. Pi3 B+ if you have to use WiFi.

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44.3°C seems pretty reasonable to me.

The Pi4 also doesn’t use a shared bus for USB and Ethernet. I found the 3 to be a bit more congested unless you only use it as a WiFi streamer.

I would not get the 8gb version of the pi4, the other versions, when you can find them, are more than enough for an audio endpoint. I’ve also heard it runs a little hotter.

But there is the issue, any pi right is commanding a premium, if you can find it at all.

I recently was able to listen to the Bluesound Node. Was actually impressed with it, seems to work out of the box, isn’t crazy expensive and the DAC, whilst not the best, is certainly going to compare with DACs in the $200 range.

The Zen Stream is actually very good, but I would avoid it until they have the firmware sorted. It does need an external DAC.