It would be great to add a clock widget to the Roon screen. Sometimes I can completely forget about time and the outside world while I’m listening to music, but I usually need to have a clock available. Adding it to the home screen would be great.
Do your phones and computers not all have a clock in the menu bar already?
I too would like this.
It’s not a matter of if I have a clock on my PC or phone, when I’m listening to music with Roon I’m not looking at my phone and I run Roon fullscreen on desktop. Listening to music and then being pulled away to look at my phone for the hundredth time isn’t really consistent with what I use Roon for (which is getting away from all of that).
Isn’t a permanently visible clock the opposite of “getting away from all that”?
I don’t know about Windows but on Mac in fullscreen I flick upward on the trackpad and the Mac’s menu bar with the clock appears. (Or do a two-finger swipe from the right and the widgets appear). There’s also reminders to pop up a message at a given time without having to look at a clock, or timers/countdowns. So many ways for time management that already exist without burdening a music player…
No, there is not without bringing up the task bar (as to bringing up the clock in a full screen app in Windows). I hear you, but it certainly isn’t burdening a music player that requires and internet connection to begin with and aside from that, if you don’t want it, I’m sure the option to enable or disable a the time would be present. Were looking for the time, not a timer or stopwatch.
Ultimately, if it’s not for you but it’s an option for people who would want to use it, I don’t understand your stance against it. I don’t use Roon remote as my primary means to listen nor am I on Mac anymore so for me, it would be a nice feature. You may not enable artist info from sources other than one language, that doesn’t make it a useless feature for polyglots who appreciate the extra sources.
I mainly meant to mention existing alternatives because I guess it won’t happen anyway and the problem can be solved in other ways. I think you will probably find solutions if you google for windows clock overlay fullscreen
As for „if you don’t like it don’t use it“, sure, but as resources aren’t unlimited the time invested into this takes development time away from other things. It’s not really comparable IMHO to the artist info because artist info is a core feature of Roon. Kitchen sinks aren’t. But hey, I don’t decide anyway.
You can use your wristwatch too