Yes, please!!! I have back issues and it is very very painful to sit at a desktop to do editing. The tablet app rescues me from sitting because I can lounge rather than sit and be much more comfortable.
I am new to Roon and find myself with a great deal of editing to do in my 3 Tb music file. I am a refugee from Naim and Naim, in its infinite wisdom opted to use a proprietary version of WAV with the result that the music file I submitted to Roon has essentially no (none) metadata attached. Virtually every record needs editing. Some of the editing can be done in the tablet app, but the sort of editing I need to do must be done in the desktop including changing or adding album art.
I’m actually mystified that the app is missing this feature. This forum has the feature. All one has to do to post a photo is to poke the landscape icon and one is instantly given the option of going to thr Photo Library and plucking the desired image to be uploaded, so the code is already written and just needs to be transferred to thr app and tested.
I hope you will make it a priority because, as I said, I have 3 Tb of music files that need editing and it’ll be torture to do it on my desktop.