Add Play / Shuffle Play unplayed tracks

Among the existing different PLAY options (shuffle, add to queue, play from here, etc.) I’d like to have two additional options

  1. PLAY UNPLAYED tracks

What it does should be clear enough by the name…

Use case: when I have long playlists or abums I can come back and select this option to play the tracks that I hadn’t played yet.

dind’t find similar request so far so I’m posting here

I use Focus to filter out all unplayed tracks and then shuffle play the output…

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Very nice suggestion! We should never forget the power of Focus:)

mmhh, then I’m probably missing something.

When I open an Album in my library Focus only filters artists, composers, performers.

When I’m in a Playlist I don’t even see Focus… I can only SORT by playcount.

When I’m in a TAG that contains multiple playlists Focus is not an option

Could you show me where Focus would actually help?


Hi, I must confess I missed your in playlist use case.

One workaround might be: select My tracks>use focus to show all tracks with zero plays>you can then filter all columns to show zero play tracks by artist or zero play tracks by album etc…

Ok thanks for the shortcut but I reiterate my feature suggestion