Add tracks to a compositions grouping

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With a release from Qobuz, is there a way to add movements listed as separate tracks to a composition? In the example below, the first two movements are within Prokofiev’s Symphony No. 3, but movements 3 and 4 are separated.

I see how track order can be rearranged, but how are tracks assigned to be part of a composition?

The issue is likely caused by an incorrect composer for part III. Try changing this to Prokofiev.

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Great catch! I hadn’t noticed that. So what am I doing wrong (see below)? I removed Rocky and added Prokofiev as composer to the track credits, but now both are showing as composers. Rocky is unstoppable, as is his music.

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The remaining wrong composer probably comes from the composition. Click the three-dot menu of the track > Go To Composition. Then try editing the composer there

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The problem here was an incorrect assignment on MusicBrainz of track 3 to Rachmaninoff’s 3rd rather than Prokofiev’s. I’ve added the correct link which was applied immediately, but removals take up to a week to be accepted into the main MusicBrainz database. This should be fixed on our servers in 10 days or so.

Thanks. Looks like there’s nothing I can do within Roon to correct this.

I think it’s probably best to sit this one out. Apologies for the inconvenience; I realize that it’s annoying.