Adjust LEDs on NUC11PAHi7?

Does anybody know if LEDs are adjustable in BIOS? In older NUCs they were, but Intel says NUC11 LEDs adjustable in Windows Software.

It seems that they have removed that BIOS feature now. Seeing as you’re running ROCK that’s a bit of a dead end, but it is possible to do this via Linux apparently:

So, after a bit of research, I found a guide to the BIOS settings here…
Pp 35-37 of the Aptivo V doc have LED settings (for newer NUCs).
Now to move the NUC upstairs to my monitor :smirk:


Good work, there’s definitely an edited version doing the rounds then. The guides I found were near identical and very short on options. Glad you’ve sorted it, get them dimmed :wink: