Advanced tutorial is stuck

I’m fairly new to the forum. Yesterday I received a message from the discobot with the ability to start an advanced tutorial. During one of the steps, the discobot creates a message and then deletes it. The point being to teach the user to undelete an accidentally deleted message. Unfortunately, when trying to undelete the message I can’t. Instead I receive a message stating:

An error occurred: You’ve performed this action too many times. Please wait 49 seconds before trying again.

After waiting, the specified time, I try again, only to be informed that I now have to wait 23 hours.

This happened yesterday. Going back to the tutorial today, the deleted message was permanently deleted so it could not be undeleted. I restarted the tutorial with the initial command, only to run into the same thing again…

How can I fix this?

Resolved:I was able to skip the step…

I’m facing the same issue, how did skip?

Add a reply message with

@discotbot skip

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Oh I got it, thank you!

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