The modem Nokia XS-2426G-B) is in bridge-modus. The router is in wifi-router modus. I have never had a problem before this last update. Is it not possible that something with the update went wrong? There are more of the same issues so it seems…
It’s always possible that something went wrong with the update. It’s also a normal reaction to think that the update is caused the issue when this is the last thing that was changed prior to noticing the problem.
I only pointed out what the error message was saying. From this it seems that your router (TP LINK) has an “external” ip of while your true external ip address is reported as (not fully disclosed for privacy and security). This suggests that bridge mode is not active.
For all you know T-Mobile pushed an update to their router as a result of which bridge mode is not longer enabled.
While the update did contain connectivity changes and a reduction in the number of erroneous popups related to connectivity, we didn’t push any updates that would have affected the port test. We’ll investigate this case thoroughly to be sure.
That said - @SvenM’s above comment is correct in that no change within Roon’s capacity could change your reported external IP address. Every indication suggests a settings reset or ISP update in your T-Mobile-provided router or Deco x60 is responsible for the double-NAT layer. I suspect both routers are active here, and the gateway is no longer bridged. Please verify and we’ll proceed from there. Thank you!