Album Artist and Credits

How do I get Roon to understand that Radka Toneff, Steve Dobrogozs and Radka Toneff & Steve Dobrogozs is the same thing so it is not printed twice?

Also, this is the MQA version (downloaded from Tidal). The file on disk is 16/44.1, but why doesn’t Roon say MQA and 176.4 which is the MQA master rate? It says so when playing…

This is how it looks for me. Have you forced an Album re scan?

Ahh, just noticed your displaying a track.

I’ve tried lots of things. Force album Rescan several times. I took away the ‘Original Master Edition…’ from the album name. Did not affect the double ‘Performed by’. If I remove the two from Credits I get the same as you, but I want to use Credits… I think Roon should understand and avoid showing the same names twice.
Roon does not display MQA and master sample rate, but our versions are different it seems. Mine is 16/44.1 and 176.4 while yours is 24/48 and 192. Where is your version from?

Select all tracks, edit track credits/remove, find the “Rasha & Steve” credit as Primary Artist, and remove.

Mine is the Tidal Masters Version.’Im in the UK

So there are several Tidal Masters versions. I wonder which is the ‘original’, 16/44.1 or 24/48

Thanks @John_V, that worked. I believe I should not have to do this though. Seems like a bug in Roon

Hi @ogs. Please can you explain what you mean by “downloaded” here?

I purchased the album from Tidal’s online (Norwegian) shop so I’ve got the files on local disk.

Thanks. In which case, please would you confirm whether or not the file tags contain “Radka Toneff & Steve Dobrogozs”?

If the file tags do contain this joined artist tag, there is the question of whether or not you have non-default (prefer file) global or album-specific import settings. I say this, because the Roon metadata for this album look okay to me at the album level.

Yes, there is a tag: comment[1]: ARTIST=Radka Toneff & Steve Dobrogosz and I do have ‘prefer file’ set for import

Ogs, this is a grey area for munging. Roon treats that ARTIST string as a literal. So it stays as is, a single entity. However, in its IDing process, it has two separate artists identified.

It seems like a “do no harm” algorithm to me. And yes, a slight pain.

I’ve also found several/numerous ARTIST strings that were obviously intended to be shown on the Tracks page in familiar terms, e.g., “van Karajan, VSO” is short for the conductor of the Vienna Symphony. Rather than take the time to create two ARTIST tags, the label companies lazily enter them as a single entity.

Short summary: there’s goo in the database, Roon has to make some sense of it, and Roon has opted for a conservative approach to figuring out the goo.

The 16/44.1 vs 24/48 puzzles me so I’ve sent off some email requests. The version Qobuz sells is a 16bit 44.1kHz Original Master Edition (MQA) i.e. the MQA ‘CD version’. This is probably the same I bought and downloaded from Tidal Norway. I believe the 24/48 version that @Chrislayeruk owns is the ‘original’ MQA Master. I hope to get some answers to this from Tidal and Odin (the record company). If the original remaster was transferred to 24/192 (as Bob Stuart outlines here: ) the CD version must have gone through reduction to 176.4 to become a 44.1 file. We’ll see if I get answers

I got a response from Tidal support today. Pure generalised BS and not related to my technical questions at all:

TIDAL is provided MQA content by the record labels. They determine what is provided to us. Also, albums can be different depending on what country you are in due to licensing restrictions.

Let’s see if the record label answers

Sounds factual to me…

Yes, it is very factual… too much actually. I could easily have figured out this myself. I expected some sort of technical explanation based on the question I asked. The price did not reflect that this was the equivalent of a MQA CD, not the normal 24/48 that MQA has talked so much about. I paid NOK 178 (18 Euro) for the download, Qobuz sells the same for 13 Euro. Tidal did not say anything about this being a 16bit version so I expected 24/48. Qobuz informs about it being 16bit on their download page