Album count on "Home" top tile should reflect show/hide duplicate settings

On the Home screen on my Mac and iPad the album count is always showing all albums including duplicates, even when I turn on “Hide Duplicates” in settings.

This makes no sense, as my system is now showing two different album count numbers. And I already chose which information is relevant and preferred.

So my feature request is to show the album count on that tile according to the user settings (and that is also shown in albums).

Thanks for considering this.


Is that what accounts for the difference? I found this thread trying to figure out exactly the same thing. On HOME I show 3283 albums, but in (MY) ALBUMS I show 2633. Didn’t realize I had so many dupes and hidden, but sure enough, if I turn off the “hide” setting I get mismatched numbers same as you.

Yes, I assume it‘s the same „thing“.

You can also see /check /confirm the total count of any location / streaming service via Focus.

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