Album mix-up between Depeche Mode and covers band on Qobuz appearing as the real Depeche Mode in Roon (ref#287HMA)

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Depeche Mode "covers band" album on Qobuz shows up as the real Depeche Mode in roon.

Some more info: it’s correct in Qobuz, correctly attributed to a band called “Remode”.
The release has these details:
label = Nocut
product number = 4251880906913

Screenshot 2024-04-17 164111

in qobuz:
Screenshot 2024-04-17 164634

Screenshot 2024-04-17 164143

Thanks for letting us know. We’ve made an edit to ensure that ReMode covers no longer get confused with the real Depeche Mode albums. This should be fixed on our servers over the weekend.

Edit: Actually, it will be early next week. I forgot that we have another code change lined up that we didn’t want to deploy over the weekend.

This is now fixed on our servers.

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